Transforming hearts and minds through the power of creativity
關於天聲 About Us
The vibrant world of new media is inundated with a myriad of voices that impact our beliefs and values. We believe that every individual is gifted with a voice containing infinite creativity and the power of transformation.
We are an audiovisual curation team that strives to create innovative and diverse works that are both thought-provoking and entertaining. We hope to establish a community of creative minds with the same vision. Our services span "talent cultivation," "audio production," and "distribution & show curation." We also provide translation and writing services for all of our packages. Find out why we are your best fit!
我們的使命 Our Mission
We offer a variety of courses and workshops for promising young creators. We also provide internships across various platforms, forming a bridge between the industry and young talents.
We strive to produce original works that reflect positive values and powerful messages through new media.
We provide distribution and show curation services across different industries to promote original content and open up new possibilities.
Live the art you create.
共同創辦人 Cofounders
姐姐應婕於大學畢業後來台灣發展音樂,曾是超級偶像PK魔王、福茂唱片發行歌手與簽約創作者。在流行音樂產業多年從事幕前幕後工作,有豐富的音樂製作、戲劇廣告、節目主持及逾百場商業演出的經歷。妹妹應璇於UBC取得英文文學學位,以及SAE Institute音樂製作證書後,因工作機會來台灣發展,是一位跨領域的語文與聲音工作者。從事多年的英文翻譯,合作對象包含TTA、TIE、Meet Taipei。音樂製作項目橫跨各類錄音、廣告配音後製、podcast聲音後製、以及歌手歌曲的混音。
雷應婕 Jennifer
雷應璇 Grace
雷應婕 Jennifer
Born in Taiwan, raised in Canada. Sisters and partners.
After graduating from university, Jennifer decided to explore the music industry in Taiwan. She was a challenger on the singing competition show "Super Idol" and a singer-songwriter at Linfair Records. Having performed in nearly a hundred galas and events, Jennifer is an experienced music producer, performer, and show host.
Grace is an interdisciplinary professional of language, literature, and audio production. She holds a degree in English literature from the University of British Columbia and a diploma in audio engineering from Canada’s SAE Institute. Grace has worked as an English translator and audio engineer in Taiwan for many years. She has translated articles for the Taiwan Tech Arena, Taiwan Innotech Expo, and Meet Taipei. Her audio works include recording and post-production for commercials and mixing for various singers.
Over the years, Jennifer and Grace discovered the importance of curation and interdisciplinary skills in the audiovisual industry, which led to the birth of The Calling Creative Arts studio. Through bilingual productions and industry-academia collaboration, The Calling aims to establish a new audiovisual community in Taiwan and present our works to the global audience.